Home Teaching


We know how hard it can be to get your Home Teaching done.  Work, soccer practice, date night, life just seems to be so full of things that Home Teaching just seems to never get done.

Well....we have decided to help you all out!!

We have started a new service that we think will be wonderful.....


"We care when you don't have time to"

Home teaching getting you down?
Can't get that annoying Priesthood Leader off your back?
Home Teaching interfering with your TV and Golf?

We can help! At Woodcrest Home Teaching Service, we'll do your Home Teaching for you. For a small fee we will send one of our trained representatives to the home of your families.

Basic Visit - $10.00
Basic Visit plus Spiritual Message - $15.00
Birthday and anniversary cards in addition to the Basic visit & Spiritual Message - $20.00

Is $20.00 too much to pay for peace of mind?

Call us at 1-800-935-6838. That's 1-800-WELOVEU.

Because of heavy volume, an extra $15.00 will be added for services requested the last-day-of-the-month.

Also, at this time we are offering a dollar per family discount for every additional family over two families. So if you have an overwhelming number of four or more, you can be saving yourself some money by using us for all of them.

Ok...so yes the above is all a joke!! But please read on....

When it comes to home teaching and visiting teaching  it is a time consuming task that some would rather just forget about. These are they who have not embraced the vision and the importance of home teaching and visiting teaching.

But here is what Elder B. Eyring has said on Home Teaching:

“God called us [as Home Teachers] to watch over and help people in all their struggles for physical and spiritual well-being. He called us to help by the Spirit. He called us to teach by the Spirit. He called us to live what we teach. He called us to bear testimony. He called us to love.” (Ensign, May 1988, p. 39.)

Joseph B. Wirthlin said: “Home teaching and visiting teaching are vehicles for saving souls when done the right way and with the right intent.” And President Ezra Taft Benson taught us that “There is no greater Church calling than that of a home teacher. There is no greater Church service rendered to our Father in Heaven’s children than the service rendered by a humble, dedicated, committed home teacher.” (Ensign, May 1987, p. 50.)

With our home teaching responsibilities, we just need to learn and understand the challenges of the members of each family. Sometimes, instead of preparing an elaborate lesson to teach, we may to just need sit and listen to what the person or persons that we are home teaching have to say. We just may learn some things that we may not otherwise have an opportunity to learn about that person or persons. Sometimes we find that the best taught lessons are the ones that are unprepared. In all home teaching situations, the important thing to remember is to let the Spirit be the guide.

A great quote from Abraham Lincoln can come into play with home teaching....

“If you would win a man to your cause, first convince him that you are his sincere friend.”

Ezra Taft Benson has told also told us,  “Above all, be a genuine friend to the individuals and families you teach.”

Even the Savior has taught us this important fact of friendship when He said “I will call you friends, for you are my friends.”

So what is a true friend in Home Teaching you might ask?

Well,  A friend makes more than a dutiful visit each month. A friend is more concerned about helping people than getting credit. A friend cares. A friend loves. A friend listens. And a friend reaches out.

Now there are times that you may do your home teaching where there are members of the family that may appear to show no interest in what is being sad.  But let us remember something on that aspect,  if we are faithful and continue to do those things which we know the Lord will have us to do, we too will be amazed at the results that our efforts may produce.

In time, those who may at first appear to be uninterested may one day finally stop to listen to what is being said.

Elder Bruce R. McConkie taught: “Properly performed, home teaching is the Lord’s way of making all of the blessings of the gospel available to all the members of his kingdom.” And Gene R. Cook stated that “We do not visit the active just to “visit,” or the less active just to get them out to church, although that may be part of what happens. In essence, we visit to help the heads of those homes, male or female, to become the spiritual leaders in their homes, to lead their families to Christ, to pray, to fast, and to read the scriptures together. If that happens in our visits, all else will take care of itself.” (Ensign, November 1988, pp. 37, 38.)

Home teaching is more than just reporting numbers each month. It is not a race to see how fast you can get a check in the box for the month to signify that you have completed 100% of your home teaching and visiting teaching for the month. Nor, is it something to be put aside for a more convenient time which may never come. Home teaching is a service of compassion. It is something that we do on a regular basis first and foremost because of our love and our concern for our brothers and sisters. Each individual and each family that we teach must be thought of as more than just a number or another statistic.

As a result of our genuine love and concern for each individual person or family that we have on our teaching list, we in turn are able to strengthen them, comfort them when needed, encourage them to press forward, teach them the doctrines of the gospel, edify them, and lift them up. That, my dear brethern, is what home teachers do.

With that said we hope that you will feel the Spirit and strive to do your best in your home teaching.  If you have done your home teaching already for the month we the Presidency, the Bishop and most importantly the Savior thanks you, and ask your to report you home teaching here.

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