Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Riverside Stake Fireside

Sunday our stake held a fireside that I felt probably one of the most important and better firesides that I have seen.

Below is a letter that explains what it was about.  But, before you get to the letter here is just some of the things that stood out to my daughter.  And for that to happen makes me proud of our presidency and the other speakers.

Sister Ulicny spoke about how we can not hide things from our Heavenly Father or from the Savior.  She gave a example of working at a jewlery store and that she had to empty her purse into a clear plastic bag and use that as her purse while she worked.  They did this so that their employees could not steal and hide things.

She used this anaolgy as that our life is to be like a clear purse that we may be able to hide things from our friends or parents, but we can not hide things from the Lord.  We need to make our lives like a clear purse, so all can see we have nothing to hide.  That we lead a good life.  We would want people to know or say that when we say that we are a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, it should not be a surprise to people that we are good christians, because of the way we act, dress and just in general do good always.

There was a quite a bit more in the fireside and will post another post soon.  But now onto to the letter from our presidency.

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